The Science Behind the Best Cream for Back Pain Relief

Medically reviewed by Dr. Jen Palmer, ND - Naturopathic Doctor
You know the feeling. You’re blazing through your workout when, suddenly, that nagging twinge in your back grabs your attention. Or you worked hard in the yard all weekend, but come Monday morning, your back muscles won’t let you forget it. Most everyone will need relief from back pain and discomfort at some point. In fact, over 80% of adults will experience back pain during their lives.[1] When you need back pain relief, and you’re searching for a back pain cream you can get over-the-counter, you want to be absolutely sure that what you find is the best temporary, minor pain relief cream there is. CBDMEDIC™ back pain ointment is what you’re looking for.
Why Is CBDMEDIC™ Back Pain Cream the Best?
There are dozens of over-the-counter pain-relief creams and ointments out there. But many of them are simply generic “muscle rubs,” and not tailored pain-relief formulas. Some of them contain topical NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). We’ve all heard about the risks of taking NSAIDs orally, such as liver, kidney, and digestive system damage. Topical NSAID preparations have a much lower risk of side effects; however, some physicians think we should exercise the same precautions about using topical NSAIDs as are necessary with the oral versions.[2]
If you’re looking for the best cream for minor back pain, one that’s both safe and effective, with the convenience of buying it over-the-counter, then we’ve got your back! CBDMEDIC™ Back & Neck Pain Relief Ointment is made from powerful yet gentle plant-based components. Its well-balanced formula is designed to give you the best topical temporary pain relief there is, without a prescription.
The OTC Topical Cream and Ointment Advantage
You know you want an OTC ointment or cream for back pain relief, but do you know all the benefits of using a high-quality topical product? First, it’s an instinctive response to want to rub where it hurts. Just think back to when you tumbled over as a kid or to any strains and sprains you’ve had as an adult. And the powerful ingredients in CBDMEDIC™ minor back pain cream smell great! The distinctive scent of menthol and camphor (more about them later) are probably familiar to you. The scent in itself can signal a sense of comfort that starts to help your back muscles relax.
Not only is using a cream intuitive and familiar, it’s also a highly efficient mode of administration because it bypasses a process known as first-pass metabolism. When you take something for pain relief by mouth, it has to pass through the liver and the digestive system first, which means you lose a great deal of its effect before it even gets into your bloodstream to address where you actually hurt. This doesn’t happen with a topical cream. Applying a cream directly to your skin, therefore, can make the ingredients more effective as the active ingredients do not need to enter the bloodstream, instead going to work at the point of pain– as long as the cream is formulated right, that is!
Let’s take a closer look at the science behind these ingredients and what makes CBDMEDIC™ back pain cream the best cream for temporary, minor back pain relief.
Menthol is an organic, natural compound that is derived from wild mint or peppermint leaves. In fact, it’s what gives plants of the mint family their distinctive smell and taste. Menthol has been used topically for its pain relieving and refreshing properties for a couple of millennia,[3] but it’s only been in the last couple of decades that scientists have discovered how it works.
Menthol is a natural analgesic[4] and anesthetic[5], which means it’s going to be very soothing for your minor aches and pains. In addition, menthol is what’s known technically as a counterirritant. Menthol interacts with specific receptor sites in our nervous system known as TRPM8 channels (or transient receptor potential melastatin 8). These nerve receptors are involved in our perception of temperature, and because of their famous association with menthol, they even go by the name Cold and Menthol receptors.[6]
When used in a topical cream, menthol produces a cooling sensation on the skin at the source of pain. In reality, menthol doesn’t lower the temperature of your skin. It creates a sensation of cooling by interacting with the TRPM8 nerve receptors. According to Gate Theory, which is a way of understanding how we experience pain,[7] certain non-painful stimuli will cause nerve “gates” to close shut in the presence of painful stimuli, with the result that the sensation of pain is prevented from reaching our brains. This means the cooling sensation of menthol competes with and counteracts pain sensations, resulting in effective topical pain relief.
On top of all these pain-relieving activities, menthol also dilates blood vessels in the skin where it’s applied.[8] This improves blood flow to the area of minor injury which helps bring relief and supports healing.
Menthol has been widely studied for its pain-relieving properties. Menthol is easily absorbed through the skin. It’s one of the major active ingredients in CBDMEDIC™ minor back pain cream, along with other important ingredients that work together to give you the best topical temporary pain relief you can find.
Camphor is another organic, natural compound that can be easily absorbed topically to soothing effect. Camphor is extracted from the bark of the evergreen tree Cinnamonun camphora, or camphor laurel. Like menthol, its cousin in pain relief, camphor has a distinctive aroma as a result of all the powerful plant terpenes it produces.
Camphor has a long history of topical use for many purposes, including its antibacterial and antifungal effects.[9] It also has anti-inflammatory properties,[10] and is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a topical analgesic and anesthetic.[11] One study that looked at camphor and menthol in combination with other natural oils, found they were effective at relieving mild to moderate pain and inflammation when applied to the skin several times a day consistently over time[12] Another study showed that camphor itself was effective at relieving back pain.[13] Camphor has also been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect in an animal model used to study arthritis.[14] It’s soothing to rub into your muscles and can relax muscle cramps and spasms.[15]
In a similar way to menthol, camphor acts as a counterirritant by producing both cold and warm sensations when applied in a topical cream. This means it competes with and counteracts sensations of pain before they can reach the brain, allowing us to experience the pleasure of pain relief. Camphor also increases blood flow in the skin and to muscles. As with menthol, increasing blood flow to an area of inflammation or injury helps promote pain relief and supports healing.[16]
As well as being a counterirritant, camphor may work its pain-relieving magic by directly interacting with certain receptor sites in our nervous system known as TRPV1 (transient receptor potential vanilloid 1) and TRPA1 (transient receptor potential ankyrin 1). Both TRPV1 (also known as the capsaicin receptor) and TRPA1 are intricately involved in how we experience pain.[17]
Camphor and menthol are tried and true allies to have on your pain-relieving team. Together, they are a sure-fire duo for giving you the best topical for temporary, minor pain relief there is. But there’s more! CBDMEDIC™ back pain cream also includes other high-performing, natural ingredients which provide additional skin-nourishing benefits.
Argan Oil
Argan oil is an edible (but don’t eat our creams!), nutrient-rich oil that comes from the kernels of the Argan tree, which is native to Morocco. It has been used for centuries in topical applications, for culinary purposes, and is known for its cosmetic moisturizing capabilities.
Coconut Oil (MCT Oil)
All-natural coconut oil is an edible oil derived from the meat of fresh coconuts. Coconut oil consists of approximately 60 percent MCTs, which stands for medium-chain triglycerides. The body can use and process MCTs more readily than other types of fats. Coconut oil contains fatty acids and polyphenol compounds that are gentle and nourishing for the skin.
Frankincense Oil
Frankincense comes from the resin of the Boswellia tree, which is found mainly in the mountainous regions of India, Africa, and the Middle East.
Myrrh Oil
Myrrh is well known for its pleasant fragrance, Frankincense and myrrh are often paired in our imaginations because of their complimentary benefits, and that’s why you’ll find them together in the best topical creams!
Honeysuckle Oil
The honeysuckle plant has been used historically in Traditional Chinese Medicine for its soothing and fragrant qualities.
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil is what’s known as a carrier oil. It is able to moisturize in a similar way to our skin’s own natural oils without blocking the skin pores. Jojoba oil is readily absorbable and highly effective at carrying topical healing ingredients such as menthol and camphor with it.
Get Back to the Activity of Life
You don’t want to miss out on your favorite pursuits, or even on tackling more yard work! If you’re looking for quick, safe, and effective minor back pain relief without a prescription, try the most effective cream available with extra strength Camphor and Menthol for minor back pain and a soothing moisturizing effect. CBDMEDIC™ has the answer you’re looking for with our science-based best cream for minor back pain.
Useful Tips
If you don’t feel substantial temporary relief after using this cream three times a day for seven days consult with your health care provider
Review the ingredients before you use CBDMEDIC™ back pain cream in case you are sensitive or have an allergy to any of them.
If you’re using CBDMEDIC™ back pain cream for the first time, apply it to a small area of your skin to begin with and wait 30 minutes before applying it to a larger area.
Don’t use this cream on any area of your skin that is broken, burnt, or has a rash.
Wash your hands after each application to avoid accidently rubbing your eyes or face, which may lead to irritation.