Charlotte’s Web’s Actions and Commitment to Black Lives

It should not have taken the senseless killing of George Floyd and countless other innocent Black lives for Charlotte’s Web to stand up and say, “Black Lives Matter.”

We are appalled by racial injustice in this country. Today, we make changes and take action.

Charlotte’s Web admits we must do better. The entire CBD industry must do better to eradicate the barriers to entry into our industry and acknowledge the unjust stigmatization that has been imposed upon Black Americans.

We’ve always had one simple mission: to make life better and healthier for all people through the healing powers of botanicals. There is no way to achieve our mission without equality and justice for all, which means access and opportunity. We cannot sit by and let Black lives be harmed, killed and destroyed at the hands of police brutality and a failed justice system.

Charlotte’s Web did not start as a brand, but as a mission. The fight for others’ rights is our driving reason for our existence. We stand with Black Lives. We see you. We are listening. We are taking action. We will be accountable.

Effective today, in our commitment to Black Lives, we will be changing policies and practices, internally and externally.

We hear you.

Now we act

We want to support the Black community through direct action. Charlotte’s Web will:

  1. Commit to mentor start-up Black-owned CBD companies and hemp growers to create solutions to the underrepresentation of Black Americans in the hemp industry.
  2. Help address the historic and ongoing disparities in pay for Black Americans; we will disclose and publish a salary range for every new position that is posted.
  3. Expand our outreach to job boards that serve the Black community to assure they are aware of our job postings.
  4. Continue to provide employment opportunities and job training for people seeking to rebuild their lives from addiction, homelessness and incarceration through Women's Bean Project & Mile High Workshops.
  5. Commit to support Black-owned businesses.
  6. Will work with our nonprofit partners, our manufacturers and suppliers to ensure they have a Diversity & Inclusion program and are inclusive and respectful of Black Americans.
  7. Will launch a Diversity & Inclusion program to strengthen our company and our community. Our D&I Council will advise and influence our advertising, marketing content & company programs.
  8. As of June 5, 2020, begin an ongoing Diversity & Inclusion training program for employees.
  9. Continue to build a diverse staff and Executive Leadership Team.
  10. Review companywide each year our progress against these commitments.

We will keep listening and learning.

-The Charlotte’s Web Family