Charlotte’s Web Rebalance Toolkit: Why We Love The Five-Minute Journal

Change your thoughts and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale*
(*A bit of inspiration from the Five-Minute Journal, which is one of the reasons we love using it.)
We created the Rebalance Toolkit to support you in creating positive change for Mind, Body, and Spirit. While we feature our CBD tinctures, capsules and topical balm in our Rebalance Bundles, the Five-Minute Journal is also a valuable piece of the wellness equation because we know that change happens step by step, and those steps can include the daily process of gratitude-based journaling or a daily CBD supplement. Or, as we suggest, both.
Why we love the Five-Minute Journal
The Five-Minute Journal has been celebrated as a helpful agent in shifting mindset and actions, both of which can contribute to some seriously positive personal change. Some of us at Charlotte’s Web are long-time fans of the journal and can attest to the ways in which it supports goal-setting and generates a gentle action plan to help you move in the direction of your desires.
That’s because —in just five minutes, you really can:
- Celebrate the good in your day.
- Get rooted in gratitude.
- Remind yourself of all the good you’re doing.
- Keep focused on all that you want to accomplish.
- Sketch out a plan to make it happen based on actionable steps.
Factor in daily repetition, and all the good and gratitude compounds.
Whatever you’ve got on your To-Do List (Organize home, get more sleep, eat better food, write that book, be a better parent, deepen personal relationships, etc.) is a lot. And in the middle of all that, our biggest dreams might get sidelined for no other reason than life gets busy and the days fly by.
We like the Five-Minute Journal because it keeps you working towards goals, big or small. Step-by-step, you’ll move into the next positive version of yourself.
To check out more about positive goal setting in life, check out our blog series with our in-house holistic health coach, and click here if you want more information about our bundles.
And before we go, we’ll leave you with one other inspirational tidbit from the Five-Minute Journal.
Everything you can imagine is real. - Pablo Picasso
Truth. Now get started!