How to Sleep with Neck Pain

Tips for How to Sleep with Neck Pain
Our necks bear a considerable responsibility. They hold up our heads, which, on average, weigh around 11 pounds, and, thanks to today’s advancements in technology, our necks are also under constant strain. Looking down at smartphones and hunching over laptops have made neck pain a common ailment in today’s society.
According to Mayo Clinic, poor posture can strain neck muscles and result in aches. Neck pain may also result from injuries, nerve compression, and worn-down joints. Neck pain can also put a severe damper on a good night’s sleep. You may find it difficult to fall asleep because the pain is distracting. In some cases, neck pain may make it difficult to fall asleep, and it can cause you to wake up during the night, making it difficult to fall back asleep.
If you’ve been finding it difficult to fall asleep due to neck pain or your neck hurts after sleeping, keep reading to learn how to sleep with neck pain and get rid of that stiff neck in the morning.
1. Find a Bed & Pillow to Match Your Sleep Style
The right pillow can help support your neck and prevent more pain. When your pillow doesn’t correctly support the neck, your neckline may try to compensate and build up pressure that leads to pain.
Match up your dominant sleep type with the pillow that provides the best neck support.
- If you sleep on your stomach, you want a really thin pillow or no pillow altogether. Ideally, you should try avoiding this sleep style if you have neck pain because it twists your neck and can place stress on the cervical spine, where your neck is, and make things worse.
- If you sleep on your back, a thin pillow will keep your neck closer in line with the rest of your spine. That’s ideal for good posture and ideal for sleeping, too. Avoid a pillow that pushes your chin toward your chest.
- For side sleepers, a thicker pillow will help keep your neck and head in the middle of your shoulders, where it’s least likely to cause pain,
You may also want to invest in a pillow designed specifically for neck pain. The best pillows for neck pain are made from materials like memory foam that will contour to your neck’s natural shape, whatever position you’re in. Test out lots of different types of pillows to find one that’s comfortable.
Changing the way you sleep may also help with neck pain. The Mayo Clinic says the best sleeping position for neck pain is sleeping on your back and elevating your thighs on pillows. This position will flatten your spinal muscles and align your neck and head with the rest of your body.
If you’re regularly experiencing neck pain in bed, the Columbia University Department of Neurology recommends getting a new box spring and mattress or putting a plywood board between the mattress and box spring for extra support
2. Make Neck Care A Before-Bed Ritual
Decrease and prevent neck pain before bed with stretching and self-massage. Try out the following therapeutic techniques to help loosen your neck and set you up for a good night’s sleep:
- Apply something hot or cold: An ice pack wrapped in a towel can neutralize pain and reduce inflammation. Heat loosens uptight or sore muscles.
- Rub your neck: As you’re winding down before bed, apply pressure around your shoulders and behind your neck, or ask someone else to; this trigger point massage recommended by the Cleveland Clinic is a good one. Use your fingers, a massage ball, or a foam roller to firmly push into tight spots. A little discomfort is normal but ease up if you feel any intense pain.
- Stretch: Neck stretches or gentle yoga before bed can relax you and prime you to sleep. Lower your right ear toward your right shoulder, and gently pull down on the top left side of your head with your right hand, if that’s comfortable. Take five deep breaths, then repeat on the other side. You can also move your head slowly by looking side to side and up and down.
If your neck pain is intense, you can take anti-inflammatory over-the-counter pain medication to relieve neck pain before bed or skip to step 4 for something that is less potentially harmful to your body. Always consult with your doctor before taking medication.
3. Avoid Activities That Cause Neck Pain
One of the best ways to avoid having to sleep with neck pain is by preventing it. During the hours you’re awake, take good care of your neck with the following techniques:
- Focus on good posture: When you’re standing or sitting, imagine that a string is pulling up the crown of your head toward the sky, bringing your head, neck, and spine all in one straight line. Avoid hunching. Imagine sliding your shoulders blades down your back as you relax your shoulders.
- Look straight ahead: Since neck pain can be caused by looking down at a phone or computer, avoid this when possible. Use a headset or speakerphone if you have to talk with someone. Make sure your computer is in line with your eyesight with an ergonomic desk setup.
- Use good form when exercising: Avoid injury when you’re working out. Warmup before exercising, practice good posture during workouts, and stretch afterward. Consider making yoga a part of your fitness routine. “Yoga Journal” guides you through various poses to help with neck pain.
If you frequently experience neck pain, talk with your doctor about a plan that can help you lessen the pain you feel throughout the day.
4. Try CBD
CBD supplements can help support sound, quality sleep, and regular sleeping cycles. *Poor sleep quality can also cause a sore neck, creating a vicious cycle of making it harder to fall asleep. You might be interested in CBD to support healthy sleep cycles, so you have a restful night that doesn’t disrupt your neck. CBD supplements can also be used for recovery from exercise-induced inflammation caused by sports like golf.*
Get a better, more sound sleep with the Charlotte’s Web™ CBD Gummies for sleep. They are formulated with our full-spectrum hemp extract and contain 10 mg of CBD and 3 mg of melatonin in every serving to help you float off to dreamland.*
5. Try an OTC Topical with Menthol & Camphor
Or, you might respond to CBDMEDIC™, a line of topicals with active ingredients such as camphor and menthol designed to temporarily relieve minor joint and muscle soreness due to device usage and posture.
The Back & Neck Pain Relief Ointment soothes necks for temporary relief, with natural ingredients like menthol and camphor. You can use it on your back, shoulders, and waistline, as well.
Get a Night of Pain-free Sleep
Neck pain is no joke. It can distract you from living your best life and doing the things you love. It can seriously impact sleep and create a ripple effect that affects your entire day. If you’ve been experiencing neck pain in bed, things like adjusting your pillow, stretching, and avoiding activities that strain your neck may help reduce minor neck pain before you sleep.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product in not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.