Practical money hacks for health and Charlotte’s Web pure hemp oil

It seems like it costs a ton of money to be healthy, but is that really true? Between buying the right running sneakers and the good fish oil supplements, and adding up the cost of your organic morning smoothie with camu, cacao, flaxseed, coconut milk, and avocado, feeling good is clearly an investment. The more fresh, minimally processed foods and responsibly manufactured products you buy, the more you spend.
Is it worth it?
At CW, we get asked often, I want to try CW, but how can I afford hemp extract oil? We know it takes time, money, and effort to be your best you, but maybe the problem isn’t that these things cost more, it’s that the cheap stuff is chemical-laden or poorly made. In the end, if you get what you pay for, the cheap stuff could end up costing you more.
According to research, a 65-year-old man with Type 2 diabetes should put away about $88,300 for medical costs. That organic superfood cereal for $2.95 doesn’t seem so expensive now. [1]
Let’s get practical
Rather than debating the virtues of a healthier lifestyle, because you already know it makes you feel better and you’ll have fewer health issues with less medical expenses, let’s address how do you manage your health and wellness bottom line. How can you hit the farmer’s market without getting heart palpitations? How can you try CW without breaking the bank?
Chopping the organic grocery bill
A 2013 Harvard School of Public Health study revealed that eating a healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fish, good meats, and nuts costs approximately $1.50 more per day than an unhealthy diet filled with processed foods and refined grains, so here are ways to cut that number down significantly. [2]
- Plan your meals. When you know what you’re eating, you won’t overbuy. It's better to make another trip to the store than throw out food that went bad!
- Hit the farmer’s market in your area or join your local Community Supported Agriculture program (CSA). Shop for produce that’s in season.
- Buy frozen organic veggies and fruits. They are frozen at their nutritional peak and are usually much cheaper than their fresh versions. This will knock that smoothie debt down considerably.
- Join an online wholesale health food store like Thrive Market
- Incorporate less expensive yet healthy cuts of meat, eggs, nuts, whole grains, and legumes into your diet. Stews, stir-fries, and omelets are great options.
- Buy in bulk when you can, especially CW (tips about that below)
- Stock up on sales
Get Savvy About Buying Charlotte’s Web
Just like organic food, quality, and price matters when it comes to buying full-spectrum hemp extract oil like CW, which is more than just CBD. In 2016, the FDA tested CBD products from 8 different companies, and 11 out of 13 FAILED to contain the amount of CBD claimed on the label. On top of that, CBD is a single compound, while CW is a full-spectrum extract that taps a unique assortment of hemp’s phytocannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other valuable hemp compounds that work synergistically to heighten positive effects, sometimes referred to as the “entourage effect”, making them more complete than single-compound CBD alternatives.
Additionally, there are no uniform rules for the manufacturing of the supplements, which is why we make sure that CW is 3rd party verified for Good Manufacturing practices AND it’s manufactured in an FDA registered facility. Quality, effectiveness, and consistency counts when it comes to supplements, especially when you’re spending your hard-earned cash. [3] [4]
Here are some savings tips for buying CW:
- Join the CW Rewards program. It’s FREE! You’ll receive 1 point for every $1 purchased. Every time you earn 100 CW Loves Rewards points, you'll get $5 store credit. Moreover, you can earn rewards for subscribing to the email list, reviewing products, and 100 points for each friend that you refer to. That really adds up!
- Did you know we have a CW Subscriptions program? Save 5% when you subscribe to one of our eligible products. Auto-delivery is offered every two weeks or monthly and you can pause or cancel at any time! Learn more here!
- Watch out for promotions through our newsletter. To sign up for the newsletter scroll to the bottom of this page.
- Generate a savings difference by taking the right hemp extract concentration to suit your needs.
To make any supplementation worth the investment, you’ll need to do two things. First, be consistent about taking it. If you’re skipping days or only taking it for a week, you won’t get the desired results. Secondly, be patient. Some customers notice results immediately, while others take 6 weeks or more.
Investing in your health is one of the best things you can do to be able to live life to the fullest. Also, remember there are lots of free things that help too – sleep, friendship, exercise, laughter, meditation, getting some sunshine and so much more. What do you do to invest in your health? We’d love to hear some of your ideas!