Charlotte's Web Volunteers Bring STEM Into Local Schools

Charlotte's Web Volunteers Bring STEM Into Local Schools

Volunteers from Charlotte's Web have been actively involved in providing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education to grade school students. Over the past academic year and continuing into the current one, these volunteers have brought their expertise directly into classrooms. Through engaging virtual presentations and hands-on activities, they've sparked curiosity and cultivated a passion for STEM subjects among students. 

Charlotte’s Web Quality Control Manager, Stephanie Fitzgerald, one of the dedicated volunteers, spoke to the impact of their efforts, saying, “We have made incredible strides in closing the learning gaps for the children that are/were behind in reading because of the pandemic. We get to bring STEM into the classrooms and introduce these kiddos to concepts and opportunities they might not ever see.” 

Last Year's Engagement: 

In the previous academic year, Charlotte's Web volunteers delivered a series of captivating virtual presentations.  

In addition to these virtual storytelling sessions, Fitzgerald reached out to local schools to establish a STEM club, ultimately partnering with a local elementary school in Firestone, Colorado. Six of Charlotte's Web employees read books and practiced comprehension skills with students every week for over five weeks. The final week saw the team introduce exciting STEM activities, creating a perfect blend of literacy and science. The initiative continued throughout the school year, empowering students with new knowledge and confidence. 

This Year's Success: 

The program evolved this year, shifting to a new elementary school in Westminster, Colorado, with nine dedicated reading and STEM volunteers. The comprehensive program, which began with storytelling and comprehension activities, culminated in fun experiments and STEM projects. The club will continue to operate until the end of May, before resuming with the next school year. The exposure to diverse STEM opportunities and real-world concepts also had a noticeable impact on the students. Look below to see what teachers, students and parents had to say.  


Educators and students alike praised the program's transformative influence: 

  • One educator appreciated how the presenter “used resources from her college to research this job career,” emphasizing the importance of internships and academic opportunities. 
  • Another expressed gratitude for the unique chance for students to interact with a real-life STEM professional. 
  • "Seeing a diverse person in STEM is amazing! We have a diverse school, and this representation is crucial!" one educator remarked. 

Students felt equally enthusiastic: 

  • "I thought this was an amazing experience," one student wrote. 
  • Another stated, "I think it was excellent because it made me want to do it too." 

Parents also recognized the program’s positive impact: 

  • One parent noted, “We look forward to next year, and my daughter is already excited and generating ideas. It was a wonderful and positive experience, and I am thankful to everyone that made that possible.” 

Charlotte’s Web volunteers are enthusiastic about continuing their work as educators and opening doors to STEM opportunities for students, enriching their learning and providing a more optimistic view of their academic futures. As the program continues, the volunteers remain committed to inspiring the next generation of innovative thinkers and scientists. 
Charlotte's Web is a sponsor of STEM Generation which is comprised of leaders dedicated to creating opportunities for students to enter the STEM-workforce pipeline. Their mission is to close the gap in STEM learning opportunities and achievement and to change the image of what a STEM professional looks like.